Jay's Sp8ce

Pink Floyd: The Dark Side of the Moon

So for the first time ever I listened to the entirity of Dark Side of the Moon, having only known (and loved) the song Money on it. I know, insane that I waited until age 20 for this, but as an excuse I can present that my adolescent Pink Floyd album was The Wall instead.

I must say, I would have probably enjoyed this way more if I had heard it the first time five years ago. Now, as I'm familiar with all the tropes, it was rather underwhelming at times. I could call this psychedelic exploitation music - the band knew exactly what they were doing with the flashy choirs, instrumental breaks, cinematic sound effects. It is made for the solid purpose to blow your mind if you've never heard anything like this before, or if you're stoned out of your mind. To be fair, it marvels at that, not surprising how popular this record is with vinyl collectors. But for anything else, only Money provides a solid groove in my opinion, the rest are just a little too fleshy to enjoy in a state other than lying down with your eyes closed.